Books I’m Reading/Have Read

Love the writings of John Eldredge.  This new book is co-written with his wife Stacy and is great for all couples.  It reveals what we really are looking for in relationships, our deep need for companionship and, probably most important, that no relationship – apart from our relationship with God – can truly make us “happy.”  Good book!

I have been reading this book with my men’s small group that meets on Friday mornings.  Andy Stanley does a great job getting to the issue of what it means to be a person of character.  It is hard to say this is a “good book” simply because if you really read it, it will point out areas of your life that you need to change.  Good book, especially in the context of a group where you can share how the lessons are impacting you.


I reviewed this book as part of the “Blogging for Books” program from WaterBrook Multonomah.  You can read my full review dated December 7, 2010, but in short, it is a good book.  Groeschel does a good job not only explaining what it means to live according to God’s vision for your life, but he also gives some good tools to work through that.




Mark Batterson has become one of my favorite authors.  His style of communicating is good and he is very practical.  He draws from many of his interests including sports, his love for science and other writers.  In Primal, he deals with what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  His other books, In a Pit with Lion on a Snowy Day and Wild Goose Chase are worth the time.  If you haven’t read his stuff, you should check him out.


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